UR Splash
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Splash Biography

KAITLIN WHITE, U of R sophomore studying Environmental Science

Major: Environmental Science

College/Employer: University of Rochester

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Kaitlin White

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S182: Sustainable Fisheries in Splash Spring 2022 (Feb. 19, 2022)
Interested in environmental science? Come learn about a niche topic in the field - fisheries! Get an overview on what fisheries do, some issues with them and what defines a sustainable fishery!

S174: Sustainable Fisheries in Splash Fall 2020 (Nov. 07, 2020)
Interested in environmental science? Come learn about a niche topic in that field - fisheries! Get an overview on what fisheries do, some issues with them and what defines a sustainable fishery!

A102: The Art of Dance Improvisation in Splash Spring 2020 (Mar. 28, 2020)
Improvisation can appear to be a daunting task for a dancer, but it can actually serve as a great tool to develop your individual artistic voice! In this course, you will be introduced to a few basic improvisation techniques/activities and get some firsthand experience in the fun and unpredictable art of improv! No prior dance experience is required!