UR Splash
Email: rochestersplash@gmail.com
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Splash Biography

RYAN ODELL, UR Undergrad Studying CS, Music, and Japanese

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: University of Rochester

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Ryan ODell

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M147: Better, Faster, Stronger: An Intro to Algorithmic Analysis in Splash Fall 2020 (Nov. 07, 2020)
Ever wondered how computers accomplish a task? Here's a hint: they use algorithms! But here's the catch: not all algorithms work the same. Some are better, faster, and stronger than others. We'll look at a number of examples of algorithms, including common sorting algorithms, and demonstrate how we analyze them. No programming experience required, though some experience wouldn't hurt!

M141: Better, Faster, Stronger: An Intro to Algorithmic Analysis in Stratosphere Summer 2020 (Jun. 06 - 27, 2020)
Ever wondered how computers accomplish a task? Here's a hint: they use algorithms! But here's the catch: not all algorithms work the same. Some are better, faster, and stronger than others. We'll look at a number of examples of algorithms, including common sorting algorithms. No programming experience required, though some experience wouldn't hurt!

A142: Japanese: Instant Ramen Edition in Stratosphere Summer 2020 (Jun. 06 - 27, 2020)
Ever been interested in the language of Japan? This simple introductory course to the Japanese language will teach you the bare minimum to get you speaking Japanese in no time flat! We'll go over counting, important vocabulary, basic sentence structure, and more. No prior knowledge required!

H130: Intro to Japanese in Splash Spring 2020 (Mar. 28, 2020)
Ever thought about learning Japanese? This course is an introduction to the language, entirely taught with romanized characters -- no need to worry about the Japanese alphabet! Learn how to introduce yourself, greet other people, order food, and more!