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Splash Fall 2020
Course Catalog

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Arts Engineering
Humanities Math & Computer Science
Social Science Science


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A151: Intro to Irish Dance
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Margaret Brennan

Learn the basics of Irish dance with two National Champion dancers from UR Celtic.

A168: Lightsabers and Leitmotifs: The Music of Star Wars
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Teghan Murray

Ever wonder why the music of Star Wars is so iconic? Let's talk about why John Williams is one of the greatest geniuses to ever live! This is a film score that took 40 years to write, so there's a lot to cover. No knowledge of music theory required!

A177: Intro to Drawing Video Game Art
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rachael He

Having trouble starting to draw an idea for a game? Want to learn about the basics of art techniques and how they apply to not only general art but also video game art? Find out more about the fundamentals of art, principles of animation, and basic ideas about user interface.
Being taught for the second time! Please have paper ready to draw!


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E152: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Noah Freedman, Ruyi Li

What is a biomedical engineer? What can they do? How are they different from all other engineers?
This course covers an introduction to multi-disciplinary fields of biomedical engineering. Come and learn more about BME!

E159: Introduction to Logic Design
Difficulty: **

Interested in computer engineering or computer science? Come learn about logic design, which is how computers make decisions and do simple arithmetic! In this course, we will cover some simple logic to get you started on understanding how computers 'think'. Everyone is welcome regardless of prior CS or math background!

E175: Careers in Biomedical Engineering
Difficulty: *

What can you do with a degree in biomedical engineering? Learn about the wide variety of pathways through research, industry, government, academia, start-ups, and so much more. This class is co-taught by 3 undergraduates in BME taking very routes through college, and very different post-graduation plans.

E176: All Sorts of Engines
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jiayin Zhang

In this class there will be a brief introduction of different types of engines and how they work.


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H149: Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emily Bruun

Are you a fan of science fiction and fantasy? Have you noticed how the genre is dominated by complex male characters? Well, this course focuses on the women in the genre, how they have been portrayed and how their roles have changed over time. Come explore some popular fandoms to see how women have developed over the years.

Math & Computer Science

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M147: Better, Faster, Stronger: An Intro to Algorithmic Analysis
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ryan ODell

Ever wondered how computers accomplish a task? Here's a hint: they use algorithms! But here's the catch: not all algorithms work the same. Some are better, faster, and stronger than others. We'll look at a number of examples of algorithms, including common sorting algorithms, and demonstrate how we analyze them. No programming experience required, though some experience wouldn't hurt!

M154: Making your own website!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Katie Karabetsos

Just as the title suggests, we'll be diving into HTML, CSS and maybe a little JavaScript to make a basic website. This class is intended for people who have never built a website from scratch before. No prior experience required, though some understanding of basic programming concepts would be helpful. Note that unless you have access to a server or domain, what you make won't actually end up online in this class.

Must have access to a laptop or desktop computer. A text editor like Sublime highly recommended.

M161: Infinity
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mandar Juvekar

Is infinity a number? Can I take infinitely many steps toward my destination and never get there? Are some infinities bigger than others?

For centuries, infinity has been one of the most fascinating and elusive concepts in human culture. In this class we will talk about the infinite, look at various infinite sets, and explore the powerful and confusing nature of infinity. If we have time, we might also uncover an interesting connection between infinities and the capabilities of modern computers.

M162: From Polygons to Doughnuts
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Cole Durham

We can study the realm of curved surfaces like tori, cyliders, Mobius bands, etc., through basic polygons like squares and octagons. From there, we will even show that a coffee cup and a doughnut are morally equivalent...

Basic geometry

M163: Proofs and Logic
Difficulty: **

This class will introduce students to the logic of mathematical proofs by explaining concepts such as implication, contradiction, and induction. We will walk through some simple interesting proofs and give examples of "fake" proofs that follow seemingly valid logic but come to a false conclusion.

M164: Quantum Computing
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nathan Whybra

Can something be on and off at the same time? Yes! Kind of... In the modern age of technology, quantum computers offer a fast alternative to the computers we know and love today. This course discusses the basics of quantum information theory and applications like cryptography, communication, "teleportation", and more.

Prior experience with linear algebra and probability is helpful, but not required.

M170: What are the Odds?
Difficulty: **

How likely is it that you get a straight flush in poker or flip a coin and get heads twice in a row? Come learn the theory and applications of probability! We will cover such topics as simple probability models, counting problems, and various probability distributions.

Social Science

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R172: Digital Citizenship & Literacy
Difficulty: **

In this class we will explore the basics of how the modern internet works and is designed, and we'll discuss what the consequences of that design might be. From there we will move on to talking about real-world government surveillance made possible by the ideas we've discussed, and we'll conclude by talking about what impacts these policies might have on citizenship, society, and the idea of democracy.
This class will include a significant discussion portion. Students should come ready to share the ideas they're thinking about and developing as the class progresses.


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S148: Geology and Sustainability
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily Bruun

Are you one of those people who had a rock collection and was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid? Or have you ever wondered how we know about the planet's climate history? Maybe you're a fan of helping the environment and want to learn more, or you could be exploring new things. This course is designed to broaden the minds of students and explain the science behind the Earth's ancient climate and how this information can help us learn about the future of our world. This course is a great introduction to students considering a major or cluster in the geological and/or environmental sciences.

S155: Axanthic, melanistic, lucistic, or piebald: Genetics in the pet trade
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Katie Karabetsos

Most of us have browsed the aisles of our local Petco or Petsmart, looking at the rats, guinea pigs, ball pythons and bearded dragons. But what goes on behind the scenes? Come learn about the different morphs of the pet trade and how they work! We'll be covering some basic genetics, how genes affect phenotype, and some interesting controversies in the world of breeding.

S160: Medical Ethics
Difficulty: **

Introduction to the world of medical ethics and moral choices within the medical community. Discussion based course beginning with the inner-workings of the health care system and its accessibility and then delving into more controversial topics such as abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and more.


S167: The Evolution of Medicine
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Veronica Cisneros

Medicine today is the result of hundreds of years of evolution in medical practice. With humble beginnings in natural remedies, medicine has been a project undertaken by experts from botanists to modern physician-scientists. In this course, some of what we learn will be about experiments that brought forth modern medicine, the importance of clinical trials, and a broad overview of what the future still holds in terms of medical treatment.

S173: Hijacking the Brain
Difficulty: **

Have you ever wondered how marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, opiates, and other drugs affect the human brain? This class will investigate how illegal substances hijack brain circuitry and reward pathways as well as cause a tremendous psychological and physical impact on everyday life.

S174: Sustainable Fisheries
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Kaitlin White

Interested in environmental science? Come learn about a niche topic in that field - fisheries! Get an overview on what fisheries do, some issues with them and what defines a sustainable fishery!


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X153: Academic Honesty: How it Affects You
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alyssa Nelson

For students thinking about college and an academic career, academic honesty is a very important thing to know about. Learn the dos and don'ts of a college academic honesty policy from a Associate Justice on the Board of Academic Honesty. Helpful tips and tricks so everyone can go on to successful careers!

X158: Dancing with Ballet Performance Group
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Isabelle Vacchetto

Join UR's Ballet Performance Group in learning a short dance to get moving and have fun! No experience is necessary! We will make sure the choreography can accommodate different space restrictions as many people may be joining from their room.

X166: PowerBuilding for Dummies
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kevin Tusiime

We'll go through the fundamentals of strength and muscle training, from the most efficient exercises to do, to nutrition, to recovery.
This will be a completely beginner course to equip you with the most essential, bare-bones framework you need to build muscle and strength at the same time.

X171: The Art of the Meme
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Michael Herman

Do you love browsing memes? Unlock your creativity and learn how to make one! We will also present a brief history of memes and discuss their social impact.